High Quality, Next Gen Security Apps

Gone are the days when a simple stateful packet inspection firewall is enough. What is needed is a high quality Next Generation Security appliance. The internet can be a dangerous place and there are many criminals who would love to exploit your network...


 Gold Divider


Proactive Endpoint Monitoring and Management

Gold Divider

Remote Management/Monitoring

Our monitoring is designed to detect problems and automate the repair on your computer or server. This can be dynamic as is learns the systems on your network initially. Once this gets dialed in we are notified when someone installs new software and can blacklist software that is not designated for your business. We have 3 packages to give you basic monitor to premium assistance and remediation

Our Gold, Silver, and Bronze Packages

Gold Divider

Bronze is our basic package: This gives you an agent that we monitor and resolve most issues. We provide patching for Supported Microsoft Operating systems and applications. We proactively report to you monthly the status of your systems. Giving you feedback of the performance, sizing and other important details of your systems to know if there are additional actions that need to be taken to maintain their health and performance.

The Silver package includes everything in bronze and also includes pathing of other third party applications like Adobe products, Java and other open source applications that are commonly installed on your endpoint. Depending on the size of your network we also include some service hours to remediate most of the issues we discover to keep your systems running in top shape.

Gold is our Premium package: When your systems are protected with Gold we monitor, respond to, and resolve problems that are alerted. You can call us for assistance with anything from making sure your programs are installed and working properly to checking to make sure an email is safe or a phishing attack. There is no additional costs to do this.  This does not cover hardware malfunction but we know ahead of time in most cases by monitoring that a system is in trouble so we can replace hardware components before it impacts your work and productivity.

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